Dear Parent(s),

We ask that you all fill in this form after any absence that you child has from school during this school year.

This form is also available for you all on Seesaw.

Thank you.

Effective from 16/9/2020 -Please Read!

It is really important that we all follow the advice of the HSE at this time. This extract is taken from the above document. If one of the following is true, do not send your child to school and ring your GP for advice.

  1. a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
  2. any other common symptoms of coronavirus – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, or shortness of breath
  3. been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
  4. been living with someone who is unwell and may have coronavirus
  5. an existing breathing condition that has recently got worse

You will need to:

  1. Isolate your child from other people – this means keeping them at home and completely avoiding contact with other people, as much as possible. Read advice on self-isolation
  2. Phone your GP – they will advise you if your child needs a coronavirus test.
  3. Everyone that your child lives with should also restrict their movements, at least until your child gets a diagnosis from their GP or a coronavirus test result. This means not going to school, childcare or work.
  4. Treat your child at home for their symptoms.

Your child should only leave your home to have a test or to see your GP.