Hello everyone,
Last year was an exciting time for our school. We acquired extra land, increased the size of the school playground, built on two new mainstream classrooms, opened our Rainbow Class (ASD), put an astro-turf playing surface in place for our pupils and Killoughteen Kids pre-school opened in our school.
This is also a very exciting year for our school. We’re delighted to report to you that we have secured funding from the Department of Education to build a state-of-the-art Autism Spectrum Disorder classroom with a full suite of ancillary accommodation attached which will be over 200m² in size.
We have also been successful in securing funding to build a school hall for our pupils after a lot of effort. This is going to be an invaluable resource. It will be brilliant for concerts, PE at school, general assembly and school celebrations such as Grand Parents Day, school masses and so forth.
The purpose of this letter is to both inform you of our fundraising mission, as well as to potentially enlist your help. This is the biggest project to be undertaken by Killoughteen National School and we’re asking all parents to give of their time over the coming months in whatever way you can. Your support with this would be greatly appreciated.
We appointed an architect for the design of this new build after completing the tendering process. The plan drawn up makes sure that regulations are being met and that we are getting the best value for money. The ASD accommodation will be built to the front of the school and the new school hall will be attached to the old school building. We’re currently nearing planning permission stage.
We have received funding to construct a hall. However, we need to add to the funds secured from the Department of Education to build a hall large enough to fully serve the needs of our school and local community. We ask for your support to help us raise this extra money required.
There are multiple ways parents can volunteer in order to assist with the fundraiser.
We intend to launch the fundraising by selling tickets at €2 each and one lucky person will win €500. This will be based on the Ireland V England game in the Six Nations on February 2nd. Tickets will be sold at the concert on the 11th and 12th of December.
We hope to have an official opening of the school next Christmas and we will use this event for the additional purpose of unveiling the Killoughteen National School Sponsorship wall. This affords an opportunity to all individuals, past pupils, families or businesses to have their names etched in history on this permanent feature in our school.
All donations are kindly accepted. All donations of €100 or more will have their names etched into this sponsorship wall in our school. All donations under €100 will remain anonymous. Amounts can be paid in instalments of €20 or more also until €100 is reached. You will receive a receipt via email for each donation. This program is effective immediately and the closing date for applications is November 30th 2019. Application forms can be collected from the school office and donations can be made here or online on the home page of our website; killoughteenns.com.
We will also have some other fundraisers such as our Easter clothes collection and a 5k fun run/walk in June in conjunction with our schools annual Active Week. We will happily accept any donation(s) you are kind enough to offer.
Our targeted goal is to reach €50,000 by November 30th 2019. If you know of anyone who would like to donate to this fund please let us know. We will have extra forms available to collect from the school reception during the year.
We’re looking forward to working with you all during the fundraising campaign. Thank you in advance for your support! Please contact killoughteennationalschool@eircom.net or 06961195 to ask any questions you may have.
Willie Curtin Sheilagh O Mahony Kennedy
Principal Chairperson Board of Management