In Second and Third class our teacher Miss Casey set us a task to design and make a nest. This wasn’t going to be any nest. She had given us specific rules. The nest had to be made from items that we found at home. We could buy no materials. Then an egg was going to be dropped from a height into our nest and we had to make sure that when this happened, that the egg didn’t crack.
We brought in loads of stuff in our teams. We had, moss, straws, cotton wool, woolly scarfs, bubble wrap, grass, tissue paper and so much more. We had good fun making the nests.
We then got our principal to judge the nests. He dropped the eggs into our designed nests, group by group. Some eggs landed into the nests but bounced back out again and broke. They were too bouncy. Then others just cracked a little, as the egg rolled out of the nest when it landed. The sides were not high enough.
It was a second class group that won the competition, but everyone had good fun. We learnt that the nest had to be firm, but soft, and the deeper the sides the safer the egg would be.