Today, Noel O Conor and Ciara Kelly came to Killoughteen NS to present certs to our pupils who had completed the ‘Fundamental Football Skills’ course in our school. Noel and Ciara are a brilliant team that help our pupils so much each and every week with football and basketball skills.

After Christmas they will be doing hurling and camogie again with Noel and Ciara. Our boys and girls are very much looking forward to this again.

It would be a great help if all our boys and girls had their own hurley for the new year. Helmets and sliotars will be provided in school. If children have their own helmets they will be asked to bring them in early in the new year.

Thank you to the Parent’s Association for giving Noel and Ciara a token of appreciation on behalf of the school children.

Please see below photographs of the children with their certs, presented by Noel and Ciara.