Celebrating Autism this April
April is Autism Acceptance month. Last week we celebrated Autism with lots of lessons and games. On Wednesday we had an inclusive game of Heads and Tails that all children could participate in. Winner in our junior classes was Mason Geary from senior infants &...
Hurling and Camogie 2024
2024 saw the start of our hurling & camogie. Our 2nd to 4th classes have been participating in hurling & camogie lessons during the school day and some of our pupils from 4th – 6th classes have been attending training after school. Our boys and girls...Friendship Week
This week we celebrated Friendship week at school. On Tuesday our student council organised Secret Buddies in each class – where children have to be extra nice to their secret buddy for the week 🙂 Wednesday we had Neurodiversity Day to discover the different...
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhain na daltaí an-sult as Seachtain na Gaeilge, an seachtain seo chaite! Dé Luan, Léigh na páistí scéalta gaeilge le chéile. Dé Mháirt, D’imir na páistí ‘boardgames’ as gaeilge le chéile. Dé Cheadaoin, bhí tráth na gceist mór againn sa halla. Dé...