Christmas Songs 2021

Christmas Songs 2021

Hi everyone, please click on the link below to see our pupils singing some songs for Christmas 2021. We wish all members of our school community a very happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year. Christmas Songs 2021
Santa Claus Visits Killoughteen NS December 14th 2021

Santa Claus Visits Killoughteen NS December 14th 2021

Today our pupils were pleased to have Santa Claus visit our school.  They were all dressed up in their Christmas jumpers and were only delighted to sing him a few songs and make sure that he got their Christmas letters. Santa was very impressed with the boys and...
TEAM HOPE Christmas Shoebox Appeal

TEAM HOPE Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Sincere thanks to all our families who donated kindly to the TEAM HOPE Shoebox Appeal again this year. Over 100 physical  shoeboxes were collected at the school along with the many others that were donated online. Please see a picture below of Neasa Riedy and Daniel...
Halloween in Killoughteen NS 2021

Halloween in Killoughteen NS 2021

Today was a day that was full of excitement and fun in Killoughteen NS. The morning began with all kinds of creatures entering the school grounds, witches, grim reapers, super heroes, aliens and many wounded souls. The creativity and imagination of our pupils (AND...
Sensory Path

Sensory Path

Just before the Summer holidays, our school had a sensory path installed in our school corridor. A sensory path is a series of guided movements for kids to follow, shown by markings on the ground or walls. As students follow the path and complete the movements, they...
The Amber Flag

The Amber Flag

On Thursday 29th October, Killoughteen NS registered to take part in the Amber Flag Initiative. The Amber Flag initiative is an initiative run by Pieta House that recognises the efforts of schools in creating healthy, inclusive environments that support mental...