Killoughteen Kids Pre-school
Welcome To the Killoughteen Kids Pre-school Page!
Hello everybody! Thank you for visiting our page.
Killoughteen Kids Pre-school opened on the 29/08/2018. It is a great facility to have next door to the school.
If you would like any information on the pre-school or after-school, please contact the manager Aisling McCarthy. Her mobile number is 0838001986.
- Please note attending Killoughteen Kids pre-school does not give priority entry to Killoughteen NS. Please see our enrollment policy under ‘Policies’ ->
- Applications to Killoughteen NS should be made using the ‘Pre-Enrollment’ tab on the home page, admission is not automatic ->

Killoughteen Kids Pre-school News

Killoughteen Kids Preschool Morning class.

Killoughteen Kids Preschool afternoon class.

Aisling McCarthy owner and manager and Laura Cremin
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