Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are critically important disciplines for modern society. They empower our citizens in so many important ways. Science and Mathematics provide answers to the fundamental questions of nature and enable us to understand the world around us.


STEM – Fun with Balloons in Senior Infants

The children in senior infants were shown a packet of party balloons in class. The children looked at the balloons and examined them to make sure that they were normal and not magic. There were just five balloons left in the pack. The children were asked to predict...

Science Week in Junior Infants

During science week we did our first experiment like real scientists. We worked really hard to use the words equipment and predict 😊 We know that equipment is all the things we need to carry out our experiment and predicting is telling the future! Miss Sweeney...

5th Class Active Maths

5th class have been working hard to earn their status as mathematicians since September. It's time to show you some of their active maths activities which they have completed bringing them steps, leaps and jumps closer to their goal of being a fully fledged...

6th Class – Maths Trails

6th class have been very busy recently over the last few weeks. During Maths Week (October 10th to 18th) the class explored maths trails of the school playground. They were using different problem solving and measuring skills all around the school. 6th class also...

Volcanoes in 4th Class

During Science Week, one of the activities that 4th class pupils completed was that they constructed volcanoes. This was great fun. The children used the following materials; clay, bread soda, red food colouring, washing up liquid, and some vinegar. Please click on...

6th Class Hoodies

Just before mid-term this year, our sixth class pupils were delighted to receive their hoodies. They have officially now graduated to being final year pupils of primary school. The children had lots of debating and fun whilst designing the hoodies online under the...

Table Toppers

Today, October 23rd the pupils in Killoughteen NS took part in the final of our Table Toppers competition. We had three people representing each class from 1st to 6th. They were all in a battle to be crowed champion Table Topper of the school. Well done to all the...

First Class and Rainbow Class visit Curraghchase

On Wednesday the 6th of February, 1st class and the rainbow room visited Curraghchase with the LEAF programme. We brought our coats and our wellies and headed off on the bus. We were very lucky with the weather, the sun stayed out all day. During our trip to the...