World Book Day

World Book Day

On March 6th last, pupils and staff in Killoughteen NS celebrated World Book Day. They dressed up as characters from some of the books that they have read. The children also paired up with children from other classes and participated in some Buddy Reading. Finally all...
Presentation of football skills certificates

Presentation of football skills certificates

Noel O’ Connor along with county footballer Iris Kennelly and Brian Foley (past pupil) presented all children who completed the fundamental football skills in football with their certificates.  We thank Noel O’ Connor who has taken all of our children to...
Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

On February 11th, as part of Safer Internet Day, all children in Killoughteen NS participated in very interesting workshops with Jason O’ Mahony of Children of the Digital Age. The children of all classes displayed a huge knowledge of apps, games and what being...
Grandparents Day January 2020

Grandparents Day January 2020

We welcomed grandparents of children who attend Killoughteen NS to our school today, January 29th 2020. The children were very excited to meet their grandparents. This was evident in all the smiles and hugs that were on display. All grandparents went to visit their...
Bishop Brendan Leahy visits Killoughteen NS

Bishop Brendan Leahy visits Killoughteen NS

Today, January 14th there was great excitement in school as we awaited the visit of  Bishop Brendan Leahy. The children sang songs and played music for him including ‘Circle of Friends’, ‘Gathering Song’ and ‘A Mhuire Mháthair’....