Sixth Class
Welcome To The Sixth Class Page! 🙂
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There are 24 of us in 6th class this year and our teacher is Mr Carmody.

Sixth Class News
Friendship Week
This week we celebrated Friendship week at school. On Tuesday our student council organised Secret Buddies in each class - where children have to be extra nice to their secret buddy for the week 🙂 Wednesday we had Neurodiversity Day to discover the different ways in...
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhain na daltaĂ an-sult as Seachtain na Gaeilge, an seachtain seo chaite! DĂ© Luan, LĂ©igh na páistĂ scĂ©alta gaeilge le chĂ©ile. DĂ© Mháirt, D'imir na páistĂ 'boardgames' as gaeilge le chĂ©ile. DĂ© Cheadaoin, bhĂ tráth na gceist mĂłr againn sa halla. DĂ© Deardaoin, bhĂ...
Table Toppers Easter 2024
Each Easter & Christmas the school holds Table Toppers - 3 pupils from 1st class - 6th class are asked a series of tables (depending on the class ability). This Easter our winner was Katie Brosnan in 6th class. Congratulations to Katie and all the pupils who...
World Book Day 2024
Today our pupils had a great day for World Book day. They dressed up as characters from their favorite books and each class visited another class to tell them all about their books. The children had a fantastic day. Next week we will have a Book Fair at school between...
Design Pro Factory Visit
Our 6th class pupils visited the DesignPro factory in Rathkeale today. They had a great day out learning about DesignPro's manufacturing, seeing the inside of the factory and boardrooms. A big thank you to the team at DesignPro for facilitating our visit.
Cycle Right with Like Bikes
Our 6th class pupils have been participating in cycling lessons at school over the last 2 weeks. The course is aligned to Cycle Right, the National Standard for Cycle Safety Training in Ireland, and is delivered by LiKe Bikes - Andy & Dwayne. The sessions teach...
Biodiversity Walk – 5th & 6th Class
This week 5th and 6th classes took a walk along the Greenway to check out some our surroundings & wildlife. They saw plenty of bugs and birds as well as lots of frogs and spawn. It was a lovely day out helped by the lovely weather. ...
Learn it Lego 6th Class
On Tuesday 16th January Fergal and Francesca visited 6th class in Killoughteen National School. We were split into ten teams of three. They gave us a Lego set per group and tablets with instructions that we had to follow in order to complete our task. When we had...
Grandparents Day
As part of Catholic Schools week we welcomed our pupils Grandparents to the school on Wednesday. Grandparents visited their grandchildren's classrooms before heading to the new school hall for some tea, treats and a chat. Grandparents play a special role in our...